Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Understanding Fentanyl: A Comprehensive Training for Educators

    • Pre-Test

  • 2

    What is Fentanyl?

    • What is Fentanyl Pre-test

    • What is Fentanyl?

  • 3

    How Fentanyl Effects the Body

    • How Fentanyl Effects the Body

  • 4

    The Risk of Counterfeit Pills

    • The Risk of Counterfeit Pills Pre-Test

    • Risk for Counterfeit Pills

  • 5

    Fentanyl Test Stips

    • Fentanyl Test Strips

    • How to Use a Fentanyl Test Strip Worksheet

  • 6

    Recognizing and Responding to an Overdose

    • When to use Naloxone

    • How to use Naloxone

    • How to use Naloxone

    • How to Use Naloxone Document

  • 7

    Safe and Stigma Aware Conversations

    • Safe and Stigma Aware Conversations

  • 8

    Understanding Fentanyl Wrap Up

    • Understanding Fentanyl Post Test

    • Check us Out!

    • Course Evaluation